Foto Marcelo

Marcelo Surco

Software Engineer

Portafolio in NextJs

I'm a tech enthusiast and a problem solver, constantly seeking new challenges and learning opportunities. I love solving problems and sharing my knowledge with others.


  • JavaScript & TypeScript
  • Git
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • ReactJs
  • NextJs
  • Bootstrap
  • PostgreSQL & MySQL & MongoDB
  • NodeJs
  • Prisma
  • C++
  • Python
  • Studies

    • Undergraduate in Computer Science

      2022 - present

      Student in Computer Science at the Universidad Católica San Pablo

    • Undergraduate in Computer Science

      2019 - 2022

      Student in the Computer Science career at the University of Engineering and Technology (UTEC) in the 3rd year or 6th semester.

    • Platzi Git Course

      2020 - 2020

      Online course on Git and Github management.


    Lead Software Engineer at Simplicar (February 2023 - present)

    Leading the development of the main product, implementing new projects and features of the startup's web app.

    EdTech at Inter Silabuz (October 2022 - February 2023)

    In charge of theoretical and practical material offered by the backend developer bootcamp given by Silabuz and MTPE.

    Freelance Front End Developer at SalvaJama (August 2022)

    I worked in the development of a web application for the update of the supplier, for the correct functioning of an ordering application.

    Full Stack Developer at Compsust UTEC (June 2022 - July 2022)

    I developed a complete web application for a museum, improving the user experience and facilitating the efficient management of information by administrators.




    Startup web app based on vehicle services management such as maintenance, SOAT, technical inspection, with the difference that the startup handles the entire process and flow of procedures to deliver the vehicle with the requested service

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    Brain Brief

    Brain Brief

    Small project for the creation of a startup that uses AI to generate news and receive them via Whatsapp

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    Cactus Net

    Cactus Net

    Project corresponding to a web app for displaying and storing records of cactus species belonging to a museum, this application is developed in NextJs, TypeScript, MongoDB, AWS for photos, and Prisma.

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    Movie Tickets Sales Website

    Movie Tickets Sales Website

    Web developed for purchasing movie tickets for the Software Engineering course developed in NextJs.

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    Movie Website

    Movie Website

    Web created to display movies extracted from an API, where you can access each one to see its description

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    Tweet Search Engine

    Tweet Search Engine

    A tweet search engine obtained from the Twitter API, which displays tweet results based on the entered word or keywords on a website.

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    Face Recognition Web

    Face Recognition Web

    Web developed to upload a photo and obtain the most similar faces to the uploaded entry.

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    Database Management System (DBMS)

    Database Management System (DBMS)

    Develop a Database Management System (DBMS) with its main functions for data management.

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